Study of the seismic vulnerability of Catalonian Romanesque churches: church of the cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell and church of the Monastery of Vilabertran [Fitxer informàtic]
/ Elsa Anglade ; [dirigit per: Pedro Roca Fabregat, Luca Pelà]
Anglade, Elsa2019
Dirigida per: Roca Fabregat, Pedro; Pelà, Luca. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental, 2019
1 recurs electrònic
Projecte final de màster.
The thesis consists of the study of the seismic vulnerability of two large Romanesque buildings located in Catalonia: church of Vilabertran Monastery and the Cathedral of La Seu d'Urgell. The study will be carried out through the application of the vulnerabiity index method, kinematic analysis and other approaches.