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Industrial colonies in Catalonia / Rosa Serra
Serra i Rotés, Rosa

En: Catalan Historical Review. Barcelona, núm. 4 (2011) , p. 101-120
Notes i referències. Bibliografia complementària.

Industrial colonies, meaning industrial population nuclei located in rural areas, are one of the most characteristic phenomena of the industrialization process in Catalonia, both because of the industrial, business and social model they developed and because they became one of the most singular features of the landscapes in the Ter and Llobregat river basins. Thanks to these colonies, the counties where they were located ceased being rural and instead became industrialised and urbanised.

Matèries: Industrialització ; Colonies industrials ; Localització industrial ; Indústria tèxtil ; Rius ; Moviment obrer ; Empresaris ; Control social ; Condicions de vida
Matèries: Pons i Enrich, Josep (1811-1893)
Matèries:Cal Pons
Àmbit:Ter, riu ; Llobregat, riu ; Ripollès ; Osona ; Berguedà ; Bages
Cronologia:1833 - 1999
Accés: http://www.raco.cat/index.php/CatalanHistoricalReview/article/view/248192/332304
Localització: UAB: Humanitats (Hemeroteca); Universitat de Lleida; Biblioteca de Catalunya; Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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