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Estudi de la dinàmica poblacional i de l'efecte d'un impacte puntual produït a una població de Cystoseira crinita al Port de la Selva [Fitxer informàtic] / Míriam Teruel i Villanueva
Teruel i Villanueva, Miriam

Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències, 2019
1 recurs electrònic
Treball final de grau.

Some of the most characteristic communities of well-lit backgrounds of temperate oceans are macroalgae forests. In the Mediterranean these forests are formed by algae of the genus Cystoseira. These are the main habitat-forming species in Mediterranean deep-sea rocky beds. Currently, Cystoseira forests are experiencing a significant decline that is affecting the services offered by these ecosystems, due to various impacts, such as habitat destruction, eutrophication or the rise in temperatures due to climate change. This study has focused on a specific species of the genus Cystoseira: Cystoseira crinita, a relict species on the Catalan coast that inhabits in shallow waters of environments with small wave action and high intensity of light. The first objective of the project was to study the dynamics and reproduction of a population of Cystoseira crinita during the year 2017, which lives in a coastal basin of half a meter deep in Port de la Selva. .

Matèries: Vegetació ; Litoral ; Canvi climàtic
Àmbit:Port de la Selva, el ; Mediterrània
Cronologia:2017 - 2019
Accés: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/16904
Localització: Universitat de Girona

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