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James I and his Era. Brief Analysis of a Major Political and Cultural Inheritance / Antoni Riera i Melis
Riera i Melis, Antoni

En: Catalan Historical Review. Barcelona, núm. 1 (2008) , p. 9-16

James I, like his contemporaries Emperor Frederick II and Fernando III of Castile, was a major figure of the Mediterranean and Iberian Middle Ages. The scope of his achievements fully justifies the scientifically rigorous and forward-looking analysis of his work and inheritance being undertaken in 2008 by the peoples who were once part of the Catalan-Aragonese crown. For indeed, though some of his enterprises reveal insufficient foresight, a lack of vision of the future, much of what we are today in the demographic, economic, social, political and cultural spheres - and much of what we are not - was initially forged during his reign.

Matèries: Jaume I el Conqueridor ; Conquesta de Mallorca ; Conquesta de València ; Colonialisme ; Expansió catalano-aragonesa ; Comtes-reis ; Corona d'Aragó
Àmbit:Catalunya ; València, regne de ; Balears, illes ; Múrcia
Cronologia:1218 - 1276
Accés: http://www.raco.cat/index.php/CatalanHistoricalReview/article/view/131010/180918
Localització: UAB: Humanitats (Hemeroteca); Universitat de Lleida; Biblioteca de Catalunya; Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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