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Variabilité des modalités de débitage et des productions lithiques dans les industries moustériennes de la grotte de l'Arbreda, secteur alpha (Serinyà, Espagne) / Jean-Pierre Duran, Narcís Soler i Masferrer
Duran, Jean Pierre

En: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. vol. 103, núm. 2 (2006) , p. 241-262

Arbreda, sector alpha, excavated in 1972 by J.M. Corominas, presents a Mousterian stratigraphy more than 3 m deep (levels 30 to 44), dated between the beginning of isotopic stage 5 and stage 3. The seven Mousterian stratigraphic units (G to A) were deposited during palaeoclimates that were very humid and cool/humid (G to F), cold to very cold (E to C), then cool-temperate (B to A). The different industrial complexes of Arbreda can be typologically attributed to a typical Mediterranean Mousterian at the eastern fringe of the Pyrenees, but with strong Charentian influences. The abundant lithic material (nearly 14 000 pieces), and the extraordinary diversity of raw materials (porphyry, hornblende, sandstone, limestone, Lydian stone and several types of quartz, quartzite and flint) in large quantities, make it possible to apply different technological approaches. Adaptive capacities, an understanding of different rock mechanics and technical cultural traditions are examined using a diachronic approach, which takes into account the variability of production techniques for each rock type. With a chronological approach, and all rock types together, a general evolution of production techniques and modalities as well as the different associations used by these Mousterian groups over a period of 80 000 years is brought to light, whereas a relatively strong typological stability is evident throughout the stratigraphy. This continuity implies a certain cultural continuity. These studies are favoured by the continuity of knapping techniques, which are mainly Discoid and Levallois. It thus becomes possible to define the evolution and major technological associations in their different modalities.

Matèries: Jaciments arqueològics ; Excavacions arqueològiques ; Prehistòria ; Paleolític ; Musterià ; Arqueologia ; Coves ; Hàbitat prehistòric ; Indústria lítica i òssia
Matèries:Cova de l'Arbreda de Serinyà
Autors add.:Soler i Masferrer, Narcís
Accés: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/10781

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L'Activité minière préhistorique dans le Nord-Est de la péninsule Ibérique. Étude sur la Coveta de l'Heura et l'exploitation du cuivre à la Solana del Bepo (Tarragone, Espagne) / Núria Rafel i Fontanals, Ignacio Montero Ruiz, Ignacio Soriano, Selina Delgado-Raack
Rafel i Fontanals, Núria

En: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française. vol. 113, núm. 1 (2016) , p. 95-129 : il., map.

Matèries: Jaciments arqueològics ; Prehistòria ; Indústria minera ; Arqueologia ; Neolític ; Edat del Bronze ; Calcolític ; Metalls ; Objectes arqueològics
Matèries:Jaciment de la Coveta de l'Heura d'Ulldemolins ; Jaciment de la Solana del Bepo d'Ulldemolins
Àmbit:Catalunya ; Ulldemolins
Cronologia:[0000 - 2016]
Autors add.:Montero Ruiz, Ignacio ; Soriano Llopis, Ignacio ; Delgado-Raack, Selina
Accés: https://doi.org/10.3406/bspf.2016.14720

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