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Temporal variability in the thermal regime of the lower Ebro River (Spain) and alteration due to anthropogenic factors / Jordi Prats Rodríguez, Rafael Val Segura, Joan Armengol, Josep Dolz Ripollès

En: Journal of Hydrology. vol. 387, núm. 1-2 (07 Juliol 2010), p. 105-118

The Ebro River is one of the longest rivers in Spain and it also has the greatest discharge. Its lower part is highly regulated and includes a system of three reservoirs (Mequinensa, Riba-roja and Flix). The water temperature is altered because of the release of hypolimnetic water and the use of water for cooling at the Ascó nuclear power plant. The thermal regime of the lower Ebro River on different time scales and the changes caused by anthropogenic factors, especially the system of reservoirs and the thermal effluent of the nuclear power plant, have been studied by installing a net of water temperature measuring stations and by using historical water temperature data provided by the thermal power plant at Escatrón. An increase of 2.3§C in the mean annual water temperature could be demonstrated in the period 1955-2000 at this site. The effects of the system of reservoirs and of the nuclear power plant were the usual for this kind of structures and could be detected many kilometres downstream. In the summer, the cooling effect of the reservoirs and the warming effect of the nuclear power plant compensated each other. In winter, the warming effect of both summed up.

Matèries: Rius ; Recursos hídrics ; Impacte ambiental ; Centrals nuclears ; Temperatura
Matèries:Central nuclear d'Ascó
Àmbit:Ebre, riu
Autors add.:Prats Rodríguez, Jordi ; Val Segura, Rafael ; Armengo, Joan ; Dolz Ripollès, Josep
Autors add.:Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Hidràulica, Marítima i Ambiental ; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Dinàmica Fluvial i Enginyeria Hidrològica
Accés: http://hdl.handle.net/2117/9027

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