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Models of Neolithisation of Northeastern Iberian / Raquel Piqué Huerta, Antoni Palomo Pérez, Xavier Terradas, [et al.]

En: Open Archaeology. Vol. 7, Núm. 1 (2021) , p. 671-689
The archaeological excavation at La Draga and Coves del Fem was funded by the Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya) CLT009/18/00026 and CLT009/18/.

The goal of this article is to discuss the significance of the archaeological evidence from the sites of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain) and Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Spain), in the context of the neolithisation of Northeastern Iberia. The 14C dates have been analysed using Bayesian statistics. The stratigraphy of Coves del Fem covers the transition between the last hunter-gatherers of the region and the first farmers. The chronological sequence covers approximately 1,300 years, from 6065-5990 cal BC to 4700-4550 cal BC. The site of La Draga was occupied by the first farmers circa 5300-5230 cal BC when a wooden platform was constructed and first used. Subsequent repairs of the wooden piles have been dated as well. Another use of the wooden platform is documented around 5200-5085 cal BC, although until now new construction evidence has not been documented. La Draga site was reoccupied later, when several travertine structures dated in two moments between the years 5100-4900 cal BC and 4950-4700 cal BC were constructed and used. The radiocarbon dates of Coves del Fem and La Draga support the existence of two different models of neolithisation in Northeastern Iberia. In the southern part of the territory, Coves del Fem suggests that the Holocene hunter-gatherer populations remained in the area until the arrival of the first farmers, in a model similar to the one observed at the Ebro basin. On the contrary, the site of La Draga supports the hypothesis of the first farmers colonising a previously unoccupied territory.

Matèries: Jaciments arqueològics ; Excavacions arqueològiques ; Prehistòria ; Neolític ; Datació arqueològica
Matèries:Jaciment de la Draga de Banyoles ; Coves del Fem d'Ulldemolins
Àmbit:Catalunya ; Banyoles ; Ulldemolins
Autors add.:Piqué i Huerta, Raquel ; Palomo Pérez, Antoni ; Terradas i Batlle, Xavier ; Andreaki, Vasiliki ; Barceló, Juan A. ; Bogdanovic, Igor ; Bosch i Lloret, Àngel ; Gassman, Patrick ; López-Bultó, Oriol ; Rosillo Turrà, Rafel
Accés: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/252030

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Assessing the Role of Wooden Vessels, Basketry, and Pottery at the Early Neolithic Site of La Draga (Banyoles, Spain) / Ingrid Bertin, Susagna Romero-Brugués, Evdoxia Tzerpou, Núria Morera, Isabelle Théry-Parisol, Raquel Piqué Huerta

En: Open Archaeology. Vol. 10, Núm. 1 (2024) , p. 20220360

Organic containers are rarely preserved in archaeological contexts. As a result, the work involved in their production and their functions remains invisible unlike other containers commonly better represented, such as pottery. The early Neolithic site of La Draga (5300-4900 cal BC), located on the shore of the Lake Banyoles (Spain), has provided several containers made of wood and plant fibres besides a significant amount of ceramic remains. The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the vessels at La Draga to assess the importance of organic containers in a context where pottery technology is well known and employed for several functions. The importance of the different types of containers in the context of this farming society is assessed through the analysis of the number of remains, their sizes and shapes, and their spatial distribution. The exceptional preservation of the organic vessels allows comparisons to generate hypotheses about their function. Wooden containers are associated with consumption, while baskets may have been used to transport or store foodstuff, and ceramic vessels also for cooking. The spatial distribution of basketry remains tends to show an area that could be linked to the storage of cereals.

Matèries: Jaciments arqueològics ; Neolític ; Prehistòria ; Objectes arqueològics ; Artesania ; Cistellers
Matèries:Jaciment de la Draga de Banyoles
Cronologia:[5300 - 4900 aC]; 2024
Autors add.:Bertin, Ingrid ; Romero i Brugués, Susagna ; Tzerpou, Evdoxia ; Morera, Núria ; Théry-Parisot, Isabelle ; Piqué i Huerta, Raquel
Accés: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/291908

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