Social Class and Material Deprivation in Immigrants from Poor Countries Residing in Catalonia / Sebastià Sarasa, Lara Navarro-Varas, Sergio Porcel
Sarasa Urdiola, SebastianEn:
Reis : Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas. [Madrid], núm. 156 (2016) , p. 117-140 (p. 1-23)
Bibliografia. Resums en castellà i anglès. Hi ha una versió de l'article en castellà.
The objective of this paper is to achieve a better understanding of the deprivation inequalities existing between immigrants from poor countries and natives. We assume that this risk is mainly explained by social class, but it is also necessary to consider immigrant-specific factors that may increase it. The analysis consisted of a combination of factorial and cluster analyses in order to obtain a typology of material deprivation, as well as several multinomial logistic regressions to determine which socio-demographic factors are more closely associated with each profile of material deprivation. The results indicate that social class is a powerful factor in explaining the material deprivation of immigrants from poor countries, but that it is not the only one.