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The Spanish civil war in Catalan narrative / Maria Campillo
Campillo Guajardo, Maria

En: Catalan Historical Review. Barcelona, núm. 4 (2011) , p. 121-136
Notes i referències.

The first part of this article presents the literary output on the subject of the Spanish Civil War written during the war and immediately after it, between 1936 and 1939. What stand out from this time are brief, non-fictional narrative forms which were often meant for the press, such as chronicles from both the battlefront (where Pere Calders excels) and the home front. Among the fictional genres, short stories prevailed during the war, while the novel, a genre which requires the slow assimilation of experience, found its maximum expression in the post-war period in two canonical works by Joan Sales and Mercè Rodoreda, which shall be analysed in the second part of this article.

Matèries: Guerra civil espanyola ; Literatura ; Crònica
Matèries: Rodoreda i Gurguí, Mercè (1908-1983) ; Sales i Vallès, Joan (1912-1983)
Àmbit:Barcelona ; Catalunya
Cronologia:1936 - 1939; 1939 - 1962
Accés: http://www.raco.cat/index.php/CatalanHistoricalReview/article/view/248193/332305
Localització: UAB: Humanitats (Hemeroteca); Universitat de Lleida; Biblioteca de Catalunya; Universitat de Barcelona; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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